051 Melly Body Count - You must be 18 or older to use this site. Do not post anything illegal under us. I think its cause of his higher than usual body count, how big those bodies were (nuski, chino, apparently lil boo etc. ) how much durk hated and feared him, enough to put him in songs and. Allegedly ttb nez and melly did trevon, melly and trevon lived on the same street Because melly was present at the murder still. Some people consider you a murderer too if you were just there. Also, billa could have been talking about ario. Duck was hanging out with all.
You must be 18 or older to use this site. Do not post anything illegal under us. I think its cause of his higher than usual body count, how big those bodies were (nuski, chino, apparently lil boo etc. ) how much durk hated and feared him, enough to put him in songs and.